Sensual Massage

Have you ever considered sensual massage as a way to relax or explore your sensuality in the past? A sensual massage is one of the best ways to unwind and have a little extra fun. Perhaps you have thought about indulging with your partner, or offering the wonderful gift of sensual touch as a birthday, anniversary or just to say “I love and appreciate you”! Whatever the reason, both you and your partner can explore your sexuality, increase intimacy and form a much better bond in the bedroom.

Due to the pressures of day to day life, many couples forget or don’t have time for real bedroom intimacy or perhaps have lost the deep sexual connection they once had. If either of these is the case, I am here to help and have had much experience in assisting couples re kindle their love lives. A healthy intimate life is without a doubt one of the strongest driving forces of a happy, fulfilling and successful relationship. I say it’s time to take some time and reconnect with your partner as intimacy is an important part of your relationship.

Even one couples session is sure to reawaken that spark, giving you both some wonderful tips to take home and use anytime you need. What an amazing feeling it is to feel comfortable, to have your mind completely at ease. Those feelings that make us feel great such as: attention, having someone take care of us, having our skin touched and caressed, having someone to listen to us. Unfortunately, there isn’t much remaining in this world that makes us feel these awesome feelings.
A lot of us are in a rut due to our social upbringing, where we develop feelings of shame. We put those important things like our relationship on the back burner and stay on the rollercoaster of life meanwhile our happiness, the feeling of closeness tends to diminish.

Some things to think about when preparing to give a Sensual Massage:
Prioritising time
Creating the Sensual Space
Creating the Mood
Preparing Prior Heated Natural Oils

*Stay tuned to my next blog – Tips on Giving Your Partner a Sensual Massage

Moving energy through your body and connecting with touch is so important for your health well-being and your relationship. For couples that grow together stay together. I know the importance of growth in your life, everyone needs to take care of their health, not only physically but mentally as well. Intimacy in a relationship should be prioritised if you are wanting a happy fulfilling relationship.

Making the choice to even once a month to have a sensual date night can make a big difference in your sex life, and you no doubt will feel this for years to come. To learn how to give a Sensual Tantric Massage with a Sex Coach CONTACT US HERE

2 thoughts on “Sensual Massage”

    1. Hey Ritchie,
      If you click the read more button and keep reading you will see the blog is for couples 🙂

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